One summer afternoon…

  • Alex, Liz, and Kate were all playing outside. They were excited they could play because they had completed all of their school work. It was that LEARN to EARN process that drove Brian, the three children’s father, oh and founder of Socrates, to find a better way to drive his children to reach mastery… it was the beginning of Socrates.


WithSocrates brings skills practice to mastery, the focus of play, and the transparency of growth into a simple to use application.

Practice – Personalized practice assures progression towards skills mastery while differentiating for each student.

Play- Gamification and rewarding play drives the best experience to motivate students. With our LEARN to EARN format, the student knows what the prize is.

Grow- Reporting transparency to give the Teacher, Admin, District, and Parent all the data visibility needed to assist the student along their learning journey.

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